Ronald Pöppl
Senior Lecturer
Leiter der Subarbeitsgruppe
Ronald ist Senior Lecturer am Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung an der Universität Wien und Leiter der HI-CONN Arbeitsgruppe. Seine Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Wasser- und Sedimentkonnektivität in Flusseinzugsgebieten, mit einem besonderen Schwerpunkt auf der Rolle des Menschen. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie Ronalds persönliche Website:
- Fluviale Geomorphologie (Fokus: Human Impact)
- Konnektivität in Flusseinzugsgebieten (Fokus: Human Impact)
- Nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung und Umweltprobleme (Fokus: Boden, Wasser, Klimawandelkontext)
- Fluss(-gebiets)management (Fokus: Nature Based Solutions, Fließgewässerökologie)
- Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktionen
- Naturgefahren
- Geoökologie
- Zimmer: A0508
- T: +43-1-4277-48653
- Weitere Informationen Persönliche Homepage (Universität Wien)
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 20 von 108
Abatti B, Michel G, Pöppl R, Fagundes M, Paul LR, Zanandrea F. The Influence of Large Wood on Sediment Routing and Flow Characteristics: A Case Study in a Low-order Stream in the Southern Brazilian Plateau. Geomorphology. 2024 Nov 15;465:109398.
Andlinger H, Weidinger JT, Pöppl R, Pürstinger C. Analysing a sediment cascade, (dis)connectivity, and resulting hazards and risks in a tributary catchment of the Gosau valley, Upper Austria. 2024. Geographiewerkstatt24, Innsbruck.
Pavlek K, Gasparovic M, Pöppl R. Assessing changes in a human-impacted river corridor using an object-based mapping approach (Orljava River, Croatia). 2024. Geographiewerkstatt24, Innsbruck.
Pavlek K, Gasparovic M, Pöppl R. Assessing river corridor changes after anthropogenic vegetation removal: an object-based mapping approach. 2024. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Österreich.
Pöppl R, Renschler C, Abatti B, Asimus N, Kraushaar S, Strauss P et al. Assessing soil erosion in a small agricultural catchment in Austria using OSL-dating, modelling, 137Cs and field measurements: a critical comparison. in EGU General Assembly 2024 EGU24-9422. 2024 doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9422
Diem S, Chmela S, Pöppl R. Assessing the influence of large wood on sediment connectivity and river morphology in small streams in the Vienna Woods (Austria). 2024. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Österreich.
Pöppl R. Introducing indices to assess the effects of in-stream large wood on water and sediment connectivity in small streams. 2024. Terraenvision 2024 , Valencia, Spanien.
Koyanagi K, Nordio G, Andreoli A, Tomelleri E, Pöppl R, Comit F. Legacy effects of post-storm silvicultural treatments on plot-scale soil erosion in a subalpine headwater catchment of the Italian Alps. 2024. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Österreich.
Korenova S, Sulz Michalkova M, Macka Z, Pöppl R, Donoval J. Linking sediment connectivity with sediment transport risk assessment in small forested catchments in the Czech Republic. Rivers Research and Applications: an international journal devoted to river research and management. 2024. doi: 10.1002/rra.429
Pöppl R, Perez JE, Fergg H, Morche D. Introducing indices to assess the effects of in-stream large wood on water and sediment connectivity in small streams. Geomorphology. 2023 Okt 20;444:108936. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108936
Pöppl R, Polvi-Sjöberg L, Turnbull-Lloyd L. (Dis)connectivity in hydro-geomorphic systems - emerging concepts and their applications. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2023 Mai;48(6):1089-1094. Epub 2023 Mär 14. doi: 10.1002/esp.5574
Fagundes M, Fan FM, Michel G, Pöppl R, Abatti B, Kobiyama M. Analysis of the influence of landscape evolution on the hazard index variation in a mountainous river in southern Brazil. 2023. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Türkei.
Pöppl R, Renschler C, Abatti B, Asimus N, Kraushaar S, Strauss P et al.. Assessing soil erosion in a small agricultural catchment (HOAL, Lower Austria) using OSL-dating, modelling, 137Cs and field measurements: a comparison. 2023. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Türkei.
Abatti B, Michel GP, Pöppl R, Zanandrea F, Fagundes M. Evaluation of sediment (dis-)connectivity due structural changes in a low-order stream. 2023. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.
Fagundes M, Fan FM, Michel GP, Campagnolo K, Kobiyama M, Pöppl R et al.. Hazard index applied to natural rivers - Preliminary results from a case study of mountain trails in southern Brazil. 2023. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.
Perez JE, Pöppl R, Turnbull-Lloyd L, Tiwari S, Wainwright J. How do Natural Water Retention Measures modify connectivity on agricultural hillslopes?. 2023. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Österreich.
Perez JE, Pöppl R, Turnbull-Lloyd L, Wainwright J, Tiwari S. Identifying hot spots and hot moments of fine sediment connectivity on agricultural hillslopes of the Fugnitz catchment (Thayatal National Park region) using sediment transport modeling and network analysis. in 7th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas. Nationalparks Austria. 2023. S. 206-212
Abatti B, Michel GP, Pöppl R. Investigation of woody debris role in sediment connectivity in a low-order stream. 2023. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Türkei.
Pöppl R, Recinos S, Perez JE, Funk A, Hein T. Managing water and sediment (dis)connectivity in fluvial systems: some principles and applications. 2023. 44th IAD conference, Krems.
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